About the Author

So I was born in the Rio Grande. Mom and dad wanted a natural birth and the river was the closest option. I broke a lot of pinatas when I was young. Grew up with no real passions, but I found some eventually. I acted and sang my way through college. I'd say dancing too, but most of my dance partners would disagree. Traveled a lot, but not out of the country. Met some great wonderful and crazy people. I've sold things, I've made things, I've earned things, and I've enriched things. I wear only a few things on my sleeve, and most of my clothes last a long time. So few things in the world to fear. So many things in the world to ask about. So many things in the world I enjoy, including you. Now I'm just tuning the pitchfork and finessing the clouds. I'm an inquisitive searcher and sometimes a fool, but mostly a brilliant fool. Right now I'm studying creativity. I want to work better with it, live better in it, and even fly in it. Maybe lick it too. Write with it. Just a long list of things to do with it.

Believe vehemently in two of these four things
- Competitive dog whistling
- Congressional term limits
- Cooking naked
- Mars colonization

Participate vigorously in two of these four things
- Speed walking
- Watching online lectures
- Eating apple-smoked bacon
- Writing letters that use stamps

Watch vivaciously two of these four activities
- Professional baseball
- People sleeping
- Newspapers being printed
- Robins hunting worms

Dream valiantly of being one of these four incredibles
- A gracious centaur
- Rescue diver
- Invisible master
- Gill-breathing underwater fire hawk

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Goodreads Book Giveaway for Viviscent

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Viviscent by Scott Michael Craig


by Scott Michael Craig

Giveaway ends April 26, 2014.

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